Articles posted by "M-STAT"
Mobile trends 2015
Mobile trends keep changing and evolving in order to further optimize user interface (UI) navigation and user experience (UX) design. New terminologies are introduced in the mobile market, others evolve and new inventions are about to come, because the need for progress never [...]Read more
The necessity of SMS in businesses
SMS messaging is essential to any kind of business or industry, since it suggests the means of mobile marketing and marketing communications strategy. According to researches, one of the most powerful brands of all time, Coca-Cola, allocated 70% of its budget to SMS [...]Read more
M-STAT: 14 years of experience
M-STAT, which operates in the mobile messaging industry since 2001, has recently celebrated its 14 years of experience! The high quality of our services, in combination with our technical expertise, our partners’ credibility and our customer-centric approach, suggest the [...]Read more
The history of mobile phones
Travelling back in time, we have the opportunity to explore the fascinating history and origin of Telecommunications and mobile phones. The 1st mobile phone in history The first mobile phone device was initiated on April 3, 1973, by the American engineers, John F. Mitchell and [...]Read more
Internet of Things
As wireless technology keeps evolving “Internet of Things”, which is associated with machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity, is considered to be an emerging mega-trend nowadays. IoT technology is empowered by secure network connectivity and cloud computing infrastructure in order [...]Read more
SIM Hosting: Effective 2 way communication
M-STAT offers to its cooperators the 2 way SMS communication service, while giving them the opportunity to manage it according to their needs. 2 way SMS communication is a flexible and interactive service, since its operation is based on sending and receiving SMS simply through [...]Read more