Viber fallback to SMS & Chat Bots: Μobile messaging revolution!

Reach more than 800 million users worldwide & maximize engagement!
Create bulk or personalized messaging campaigns with interactive content, without limitations! Viber fallback to SMS enables enterprises to send messages to their target audience in Viber with unlimited text & multimedia content. If a user does not receive the message within a specific time range, then he will automatically receive an SMS.
Viber fallback to SMS Benefits
- Business profile in Viber with your logo
- Rich content: text up to 1000 characters, links, videos, images & call to actions
- Detailed delivery reports, such as seen, delivered, not delivered, expired, non-Viber users
- Reliable delivery
- Reduce campaign costs up to 40%
- 30% increase in conversions
Viber Chat Bots: Mobile messaging to the next level!
By taking full advantage of the Chat Bots technology, enterprises have the capability to communicate and interact with their target audience on a personal level, through a chat interface in Viber! Chat Bots are software programs designed to interact with users, since they have the ability to reply automatically based on users’ questions regarding a specific product or service.
Chat Bots Benefits
- Interactive & user friendly communication between brands & users
- Brand-to-consumer communication & increase of brand loyalty
- Collect all the necessary information & identify users’ needs
- Automation & optimization of standard procedures, such as online purchases, mobile payments & frequently asked questions
- 24/7 customer support
M-STAT at “Viber for Business” Event
We would like to thank Viber for inviting M-STAT in “Viber for business”, an inspiring event full of new mobile technologies! M-STAT leverages the latest innovative tools introduced by Viber, in order to enhance mobile communication with new perspectives!
Discover how you can leverage the benefits of Viber fallback to SMS and Chat Bots for your own brand!